PlayReady DRM
会社名 | INKA Entworks, Inc. |
住所 | 東京都千代田区霞が関3-3-2 新霞が関ビル18階 |
ホームページ | |
TEL | 03-5501-2847 |
FAX | 03-5501-2850 |
担当者名 | 東京IT支援センター |
日本語対応 | 可能 |
会社特徴・事業内容 | INKA Entworks has been providing proprietary, standard DRM technologies and has commercialized very successfully world first DRM interoperability technology for over a decade. +100 customers from Global handset makers, Telecoms and contents stores are using INKA’s DRM and interoperability technologies very widely for variety of contents services on a PC, embedded devices and smart mobile devices. Since its technologies got approved by Hollywood movie studios, movie services can be supported as well. INKA’s technologies enable contents service across platforms including iOS and Android smart devices and are being acknowledged as the very advanced and practical end to end security platform for the monetization of contents businesses. |